
Friday, March 03, 2006

Cinderella and Poison tour

Summer is less than three months away and Summer means one thing. That's right, hasbeen hair metal bands go on tour together and hope a bunch of 30-40 year olds spend their money to come and see these old guys play their hits from the mid 80's and early 90's. It has been announced that Cinderella and Poison will be doing a tour together to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their debut albums. I am sure there will be one or two other bands tacked on as openers. Both bands have been fairly active doing the summer tour thing since I believe 1999. Then during the rest of the year various members go work on other projects. I actually like Cinderella quite a bit, but more for 'Long cold winter' and 'Heartbreak station' than for 'Night Songs'. Poison were okay, but they seemed like they would get weaker with each release. I am in the middle of working on my review for 'Look what the cat dragged in' so hopefully I will have that out soon. This might turn out to be one of the better hasbeen tours of the summer because Cinderella have a reputation of being a good live band and at least both bands have most of their original members. I am sure this is just the first of several hasbeen tours to be announced for the summer of 2006.


  1. I agree with you about Cinderella; "Long Cold Winter" and "Heartbreak Station" were both phenomenal albums. Not sure about Poison, though...I remember liking "Flesh and Blood" (their 3rd album) the most.

  2. I have largely avoided the "reunion" tours, for the reasons I mentioned here. All of the reunion tours come to the mid-Atlantic area, but I've only gone to a few.

    Cinderella, however, is a band I missed seeing in its prime and would love to see ... maybe I will give it a shot.

    -- david

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    any tours in 2008 in canada? concerned metal head
