
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hit Parader inspiration

I used to read Hit Parader back in the 80's a lot. It was a metal magazine, but everything was kind of fluff for the most part. I have a stack of these from the 80's and I was thinking that from time to time I may open one and write something that is inspired by one of their articles or interviews. I may call it "From the pages of Hit Parader" and do it maybe once a month. Some of their articles were alright and others make you think they should have added another letter onto the beginning of the name of the magazine.


  1. I might even use ads from these magazines as inspiration.It's surprising to see some of the items that were for sale or some of the lines used on ads for albums.

  2. mimi-Actually I don't know if it's still around now or not.

  3. Add a letter. That was clever, real clever!!!

  4. And by the way, headbangers ball is back only it is on MTV 2.

  5. Oh, man. I used to buy Hit Parader religiously, along with Circus and Rip. There was no internet back in those days, so that was the best way to keep abreast on when then new Bulletboys was coming out...on cassette!
