
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Work and kids

Next week my wife's maternity leave ends and she goes back to work. This means that when I am not at work that I will be watching the kids because my wife will be at work. This will be the first time that I have watched both of them for any length of time. I am used to Metalgirl, but now I have to keep a watch on her and keep an eye on baby Metalboy at the same time. I am sure that I will get used to it, but I may have to cut down on my posts or at least the length of them. I have some simple topics coming up as well including another Battle of the bands, a 20 year album review and another round of the lunchtime game. Meanwhile if you are feeling brave then you can read more about my kids on my wife's blog Wishywashy wonderland, there's a link over there to the right.


  1. Ben- I was playing an ep by this band called Wolfmother last week and Metalgirl loved it. They are a new band from Australia, but they sound like a cross between Blue Cheer and Zeppelin.

    Mimi-Thanks. I will glad when it's get warmer and it stays lighter outside. Getting them outside will allow my daughter to get some of her energy out and that cuts down on having to fins something to do inside.

  2. Good luck and more power to you.

  3. Ranea-That's the truth. Thank god for those Mr. Clean sponges that get crayon off the wall.

  4. Good luck with that. Actually, it shouldn't be too bad. The baby will just sleep most of the time.

  5. Phoenix- He will sleep as long as his sister isn't trying to smack him on the head. That's an unfortunate habit she has picked up lately.

  6. You'll do fine with the Metalkids (I hope).

    I didn't know your wife had a blog!!! I'm outta here to go see it.

    I was thinking of doing antoher lunch thing too.
