
Monday, April 17, 2006


It is was good Easter overall I would have to say. The weather was great as it may have been one of the warmest Easter Sundays that I remember. My daughter the Metalgirl just turned two last month so this was the first Easter where she was kind of understanding about the Easter bunny and that kind of stuff. My wife took her to an Easter egg hunt yesterday and it sounded like she enjoyed. We have been watching "It's the Easter beagle, Charlie Brown" on dvd a lot lately to get her ready for the holiday. Now she is saying more and more lately and really making good progress. She can say some of Peanuts characters names, but there are two that don't come out so well. She calls Woodstock "cock", now that's not completely way off for someone just learning to speak. The real strange one is that she calls Snoopy "Freaky" and we can't figure out why. She can make an S sound because she can say Sally. So poor Charles Schultz's creations have become Freaky and Cock according to my daughter. "Freaky and cock" sounds like the name of a porno movie, but hopefully Metalgirl will just keep progressing with her speaking and she will soon know them by their proper names. Hope everyone had a good holiday.

1 comment:

  1. I just hope that none of your neighbors wear yellow over to your place, reminding her of Woodstock.

    -- david
