
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Battle of the bands

Just pick the band your prefer and stating your reason why would be great too. This time it's two hard rock bands who for the most part have been run by their lead singers. Both are somewhat commercial in their sound, both had some real success in the 80's and both are still going today. So here are your choices:

Dokken vs. Whitesnake

I have never been huge on either band, but I will take Dokken. I probably like them more now then when I was teenager and other than Slide it in, I just think Whitesnake were okay. Both bands come across as trying to be a little too serious despite some really lame, sappy lyrics at time. Coverdale is a better singer than Don Dokken and there have been a lot of talented people in Whitesnake, but I think that Dokken generally rock a little more. I think at their best, Dokken were about having good tight songs.

So who do you prefer?


  1. I always saw Coverdale as a Plant wannabe, so I was never a big fan(although I did like his wife in the videos).
    I'll choose Dokken, mainly because I liked their music more. I saw on Vh1 that Dokken and George Lynch are actually talking about touring together again sometime this year. Should be an interesting dynamic onstage if they pull it off.

  2. I choose Whitesnake cause I think Coverdale acutally has some talent. Ok, and he's hot.

  3. Dokken, no contest. All of their albums were solid, plus they always felt like a real band. You never knew who the hell was in Whitesnake that day, it always depended on Coverdale's mood.

  4. I liked both bands but I loved the phrase, 'Rockin' with Dokken.' So I will go with them.

  5. Bruce-If George Lynch plays with Dokken again it will only be because he realizes it would bring in more people than him touring by himself. Both times these guys have been in the band together there have eventually been physical fights followed by Lynch leaving shortly thereafter.

    Bar bar a- Coverdale has a good voice. I liked the albums he did with Deep Purple a lot.

    Strutter-I remember thinking it was odd that they recorded the self titled album in 1987 and then Coverdale kicked out the line-up before the album came out.

    Fuzz-I have a promotional copy of Dokken's Breaking the chains on album. It has a sticker on the front of the album that has the Dokken logo and below it says "rhymes with rockin". So even on the first album they wanted people to know this.

    Some time this week I will review the Xciter cd. This is the band that George Lynch and drummer Mick Brown were in during the late 1970's.

  6. I don't have any Dokken albums so I can't say, but I liked Whitesnake a lot when I was younger. I don't think that anyone will say that "Still of the Night" wasn't a great song. I do agree with Bruce though that Coverdale was a Plant wanna-be (hence the Coverdale/Page project) and that Tawny Kittane was HOT back then!

  7. Dude, I can't believe I missed Iron Maiden week - I'm such a fan.

    Oh well, this is a tough choice . . .

    Coverdale is actually a really, really good singer. I've heard that he nails difficult parts in one or two takes. Don, not so much. BUT, Dokken does have some really cool songs and Lynch was pretty darn good. I would put "In My Dreams" and that catchy riff up against any Hair-Metal song of the eighties.

    Cool post, dude.

    Ben O.

    BTW - if you are waiting for me to decide between the two . . . I just can't. Put me down for half a vote for each. I know - I'm a wuss.

  8. Gotta go with Dokken here...

    They score points for the "Dream Warriors" video.

    I also remember just being fascinated when "Back for the Attack" came out and it was an hour long!

  9. Not as close as of a vote asI thought it would be. Everyone in the 80's line-up of Dokken were solid. I saw them play at the Monsters of rock in '88 just a few months before they broke up. They weren't getting along at this time and they had to follow Metallica, but they were very good.

  10. I saw Dokken at Monsters too in 88 but their sound sucked. But I still like Dokken better, although White Snake was cool, they sort of went over the top too much with sexual stuff and then went commercial. Dokken just rocked.

  11. Gotta go with Dokken just for the fact I saw Don Dokken in the past few years and he can still belt out the vocals. Oh and it didn't hurt that he had broken his leg or arm the day before during a water skiing accident but still showed up for the show. I can't see pretty boy David C. doing anything for the fans.

  12. I am surprised so many people commented on this one. I didn't know Dokken still had that many supporters. I will have another Battle of the bands out in early June.

  13. I lean toward Dokken, but barely. I actually like the "old," bluesy, early Whitesnake after DC left Deep Purple. It's not metal, but it's solid.

    -- david

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