
Saturday, May 06, 2006

The importance of Iron Maiden

I think Iron Maiden were without a doubt the best metal band of the 1980's. How can I make such a claim? Well, they did seven studio albums in that decade and I think every song on those albums was good. Not only no bad songs on seven consecutive albums, but no average ones either because to me every song was above average. I think this streak of consistency during metal's prime decade ensured their legacy before 1990 even rolled around. That's without even mentioning the fact that Live after death is possibly the best live metal album of all time and their reputation of being a great live band. I think Maiden are very well respected in metal circles and by guitar magazines. Many bands from various genres including power, speed and classic style metal bands have listed Maiden as an influence. I think that Iron Maiden will be highly regarded years from now. They have been a huge influence on many bands and it think that their incredible paying and writing abilities, their consistency in the 1980's and their willingness to progress have helped them to make a permanent mark in the music world. That wraps up Iron Maiden week.

In early June I will be doing "Underrated band week". Right now I think that it will include reviews of albums by Metal Church, Armored Saint and Tora, Tora. Let me know if you think of any other topics that you would like to see included in Underrated band week.


  1. fred-They are my second favorite band. I have been a fan for 22 years.

  2. Iron Maiden is terribly underrated in the mainstream, especially in the USA. I wonder how many bands have had more top 25 UK singles than Maiden, not many I would guess.

    As far as their influence in the Metal community, I think it is profound to say the least.
