
Friday, May 19, 2006

What's coming up?

The first thing that's coming up is my birthday which is this Sunday. That means no post on Sunday. My birthday present to myself is that I will allow myself to do a non-metal post tomorrow. It's like one of the few interesting things that has happened to me although it may not be that interesting to anyone else. So I will have that real story out tomorrow. For the rest of the week I do have a few ideas and here they are.

Budgie-In for the kill review
Megadeth-So far, so good, so what? review

I will also have another segment of "It came from the pages of Hit Parader" or "It came from the pages of Circus", I am not sure which one yet.

There will probably be a few other items as well, but I don't know what for sure.


  1. Happy early b'day Mark!

  2. Happy Bday for Sunday.
    Hope you get all you wish for. ;)

  3. curare z, pixie and volkher-
    Thank you.

    volkher-Thanks for the dedication. I love Roth era Van Halen.
