
Saturday, June 24, 2006

What's coming up?

This week I hope to have these topics out:

Queensryche-Operation Mindcrime 2 review (this means that I actually have to sit down and listen to the cd first)
Prong-Cleansing review
It came from the pages of Hit Parader
Battle of the bands

There may be another topic or two as well.

Here is a question for you. Are there any songs that you don't like anymore because you have heard them to many times or they have been played on the radio too much?

I would have to say Deep Purple's Smoke on the water, Hendrix' Foxy Lady and AC/DC's You shook me all night long all fall in this category for me.


  1. I'll go along with Steve here on the Queen songs. Enough already, please! Another song I cannot stand is George Thorogood's "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer". I know it doesn't fall into this genre, but my local station just plays the hell out of it..

  2. Another one just popped into my head, and don't hate me for this...
    Stairway to Heaven; possibly the most over-played song in the history of rock radio.

  3. Vicious Steve-Iron Man is probably the Sabbath song that I am most sick of.

    Bruce-Bad to the bone probably bothers me more.
    I would think that Satisfaction by
    the Stones would be the most overplayed song in radio history, but maybe it's Stairway.

    Sgt. Fluffy-At one time I would have certainly agreed, but I have gotten over it since that was so long ago.

  4. You Shook Me is up there. Other metal tracks that I'm sick of -- perhaps from just overplaying them myself -- include:

    Dancing Days
    Rock and Roll
    Burnin' for You
    Tooth and Nail
    Any post-Justice Metallica.

    -- david

  5. Queensryche is just my favorite!

  6. David-As far as Metallica I would say that I will never feel the need to hear any of the single off of the black album any time soon.


    Sgt. Fluffy-Your mention of radio requests reminds me that Love hurts by Nazareth is a song that I have no desire here for some time. That is due to being requested almost every night when I listened to the radio back in the 1980's.

  7. I'm sick of Paradis City and Girls, Girls, Girls. way too much radio time.

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Prong were one of my favorite bands in the late 80s/early 90s. Rude Awakening was their peak. It's ashame that the reunion CD was lackluster.

  9. I feel bad for you that you are gonna listen to Mindcrime II (I still think they should have called either of those Operation Fancrime). I saw that they also released a double CD of Mindcrime I with live tracks. Don't they think they've done enough harm already?!?!?

  10. Bob-I only checked it out at the library so no loss of money. I am trying to be objective on this. You didn't mention that Geoff Tate is entertaining the idea of having a film made based on Operation Mindcrime.

  11. We can only hope that we're spared that in the same way that we were spared from having Kiss' The Elder turned into a movie or stage production...

  12. Maybe we will get Queensryche meets the Phantom of the park instead.
