
Sunday, July 23, 2006


Here are some simple questions for you.

What kind of keychains are on your keys?

What's on your mousepad?

Do you have anything hanging on your rearview mirror?

What was the last music related dvd that you watched?(This can be a concert dvd or a music related movie)

***For the last two questions there is a $25 limit on what you can buy***

You can have buy one cd of your choice that was released between 2000 and now, what is it?

You can buy one cd that was released any year prior to 2000, what is it?


  1. I have keychains of Rush-2112 and Black Sabbath's Heaven and hell

    My mousepad is plain black.

    I currently have nothing on my rearview mirror. For about seven years I had a Denver Broncos air freshener hanging from it.

    Last music related movie was Empire Records for the umpteenth time.

    CD after 2000:Celtic Frost's new one because I want to hear it, but I don't want to pay full price.

    CD before 2000:Motorhead-Bomber, to fill a hole in my collection.

    Sgt. Fluffy-I used to have the Dudes soundtrack on cassette. I loved the first Rhinobucket, but never heard anything from them after that.

  2. 1. I have a lot of keychains but I use none of them. I have so many keys that there is no room in my pocket for any fobs.

    2. Plain Black Pad.

    3. A Happy Bunny Air Freshener that reads, 'You Smell Like Butt.'

    4. The music videos on the 'Queen Of The Damned' dvd.

    5. The new Seether live cd.

    6. Ozzy's Blizzard of Oz. I don't know what the heck I did with my copy.

  3. I have a keychain with a picture of my daughter on it.
    My mouse pad is a picture of my daughter with Eric Dill, lead singer of her favorite band The Click Five.
    Nothing on my rearview.
    The last music related DVD I watched was KISS Meets The Phantom of the Park, although I picked up Wayne's World in the bargain bin at Circuit City not too long ago and it's in my "to watch" pile by the TV.

    For the CDs, I would buy Fiona Apple's "Extraordinary Machine." My boss plays it all the time at work and it's fantastic. The only reason I haven't bought it yet is because I hear it all the time at work.
    As for pre-2000, I'm still missing a couple of KISS CDs that I had on cassette and haven't upgraded yet, so one of those (Lick It Up, Animalize, Asylum, Crazy Nights, Hot In The Shade).

  4. -I have a Seton Hall University Key Chain as well as a picture of my girlfriend and I.

    - I am usually on the laptop and therefore don't use a mousepad but when I do use the PC my mousepad has a picture of my brother on it.

    - A parking pass for the beach.

    - The Who - Quadrophenia

    - Tool - Lateralus

    - Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon

  5. What kind of keychains are on your keys?
    None--just the car remote.

    What's on your mousepad?
    A Salvador Dali print.

    Do you have anything hanging on your rearview mirror?

    What was the last music related dvd that you watched?
    Metallica, Some Kind of Monster

    And I have most of the CDs I want, although I'd love to get Ratt's debut EP (out of print, dont' know if it's in the $25 range).

    -- david

  6. All I have is keys and my eky-fob for the keyless entry. I have bulky keys. Now my wife on the other hand has so much stuff that it rubs on my legs while driving when I use her keys.

    My work mopuspad is plain blue, home is a NY Yankees pad.

    Nothing on my mirror.

    I think it was School of Rock.

    For the last two, I already have both CD's:
    post-2000 Godsmack's IV
    pre-2000 Queensryche's Operation: Mindcrime

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I just have a large ring, with a smaller one on it. It used to have the Chrysler logo on it(I drive a PT Cruiser), but I took it off.

    Mousepad has my ISP's logo on it.

    Nothing on my mirror...

    last music-related dvd was Stevie Ray on Austin City Limits.

    Post-2000 cd would probably be Tool's Lateralus

    Pre-2000 cd... Alice in Chain's Dirt. One of the dogs I had before I moved out of my last apartment got hold of my copy and ate it...

  8. my keychain has the renault logo from my car and the sporting clube de portugal logo, my football club.

    i'm dorky enough to have an iron maiden (the run to the hills eddie) mousepad.

    i watched the 'live damage' dvd by dark tranquillity for the second time a couple of days ago.

    the other two are horrid choices that i can't make right now, it's too much. :)

  9. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
