
Thursday, August 31, 2006

The first day?

Okay, I broke down and pre-ordered the new Iron Maiden. I transferred jobs earlier this year to be closer to home, but I am further away from the record store which means less visits. I used to go there after work maybe once every two weeks. Now I get there maybe once every two months. As I did my pre-order, I thought back to the late 80's and early 90's when I used to go the record store the day an album came out. Now I don't do that very much at all. The last album I bought the day it came out was Iron Maiden's Dance of death. So that was almost three years ago. Do you buy albums the day they come out or just when you happen to get to the store? Or do you pre-order more albums now?


  1. I have the new Maiden, came to me the other day...I posted a brief review if you want to check it out. Sanctuary said they might be able to get me an interview with Nicko. I'll feel complete as a metal journalist if this happens. The CD shows their upcoming tour itinerary...there's only a few in the US and closest is NJ.

  2. Oh, to answer your question here, I would say that I've bought enough albums on the day of their release if I know about them in advance. Before I got into this gig, I'd go to Record and Tape Traders every Tuesday to see what was new. Now I'm on a tighter budget and too many promos to get off of my desk, so I don't do it quite so much anymore, but overall I like the thrill of getting it the same day of release, because sometimes Target has really awesome sales the day of.

  3. Anonymous3:35 AM

    It depends on the band really. I preordered Maiden to get the shirt. If I didn't do that, I would have made a special trip to get it.

    Most of the time, I can wait nowadays. I actually waited a day to buy the new Motorhead CD! I saw it at Wal-Mart yesterday and picked it up.

  4. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Ray: Do you mean the NJ show at the Camdem Tweeter Center? I have tickets to that one.

  5. I've been pre-ordering a lot more for convenience. And it's hard for me to go into a record store without spending $100.

    -- david

  6. Ray-I saw that they are not coming very near here. Wal-mart are getting as good as Target at times now. I got Wolfmother the week it came out for $7.99 at Wal-mart.

    Fred-I pre-ordered Maiden, but without the shirt because I wasn't too thrilled by it.

    David-When I go to the record store I really try to limit myself to only one new cd and no more than two used cd's unless they are really cheap.

    I can't think of anything else that's due out soon where I really what right when it comes out.

  7. Anonymous6:43 AM

    It really depends on the band. I pre-ordered the new Riot thru CDUniverse because it was a Japan only release and there are no more shops in RI that carry Japanese imports. I might pre-order the new UFO.

    Sometimes the releases dates are longer for certain territories. The latest MSG was released in Japan and Europe months ago but the U.S. version came out on Locomotive a few weeks ago. I didn't pre-order MSG because I was lazy but I would normally.

    I'm lucky to have the Newbury Comics independent chain in my area. I have 1 store about 3 miles from my home so I am at the door on Tuesday mornings if there is a good release. Their email club newsletter comes out Monday evening so I can plan the shopping.

    A few years ago, there was a cool shop called 2 Guys. When a new release was coming that I wanted, I would tell them a couple of weeks in advance and they would hold one for me at the counter. I dropped a ton of $$$ in that store, they had the best prices and selection, they catered to the Hard Rock/AOR/Metal fan.

  8. I also pre-order it. I couldnt wait though, I downloaded it (it has been out in Europe for a week now).

    I usually buy things when I get a chance to get to the shop, but rarely on the day of release.

    I think the last album I got the day it came out was Vapor Trails by Rush.

  9. I am trying hard to cut down on my cd spending. If I could seperate myself from ebay then it might work. I have trouble resisting those $9.99 cd's from Metal Mayhem. I understand what Volkher is saying about having so much to catch on. If I could stop buying new stuff and go back and give more spins to stuff that I have only played once or twice then I might find some real gems that I already own. That's what happened with Sweet Cheater and Miss Crazy that I reviewed recently. I listened to both once or twice, dismissed them and moved on because I had so much to listen to. Then I went back months later and discovered they were better than I thought. I may even do this as a project for my blog. Pick out cd's I have not played much and listen to them at least twice and see if they are any better.

  10. I get my CD's the day they come out if I really want them, but the problem now is that when I'm in college I don't have a car there so I have no way of getting out to buy them so when it comes to college I have to pre-order.

  11. Wow, Volkher, you have me beat! I thought my 2600 was impressive...I yield, brother!

    Fred, I'm envious. I would travel up there to see Maiden as I never got to see them live in the day and hate myself for favorite metal band, and depsite the tons of shows I've been to, that's a big stain on my "concert resume," lol... I might try to figure out how to get to that gig. Mark and I live about 20 minutes from each other and we have to drive far for a lot of shows, so it's a bummer Maiden is only doing a limited run here....
