
Saturday, August 05, 2006

What's coming up?

This coming week I hope to have reviews on:

Celtic Frost-Monotheist
Sweet Cheater-Eatin' ain't cheatin'

These two albums actually have quite a bit in common. Now they are from very different styles as Celtic Frost are somewhere between black and doom metal while Sweet Cheater would be labeled as hair metal.
However they have these things in common.
-Both albums came out this year.
-Both bands originally broke up in the early 90's.
-It took me several listens to each to figure out what I really thought about them.

Other topics I hope to have out this week are:
-Something about the label "hair metal".
-Some more questions with a theme of involving individual songs.
-Details about my end of year project, which I am actually starting on this month.

***Then the following week will be 80's week so I am already working out the ideas on what I will be doing for that.


  1. What's in your end of year project Mark ?

  2. It's my top ten albums of 1986. I will tell more about what I do to make this list in a post maybe tomorrow.

  3. i'm anxious to the celtic frost review. i've been listening to it for a few weeks, i saw them live recently, and i'm curious to know what you think of this current incarnation of the band.
