
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Iron Maiden:Too many epics?

When "Brave New World" was released some six years ago, initially fans were thrilled that Bruce and Adrian were back in the band. However after the album's release one big complaint that a lot of fans and reviewers made was "too many epics". I think that 2003's "Dance of death" was a tighter album, but it still got the "too many epics" tag put on it by some people. The new album "A matter of life and death" is Maiden's longest album to date and again many people are saying "too many epics" or "just too long". We fans are a selfish lot to some extent, we aren't always content with good because we want great. I too have said that maybe they are doing too many epics, but I accept it because overall I like the songs. I don't think they are doing epics just to do epics, but rather that their ideas require more than six minutes to do what they want to do in a song. I think most fans and reviewers will agree that this decade has been far, far better for Maiden than the 90's were. Yet we fans are not content with that. Some people may not admit it, but I think that when some fans say the new material is too long or there are too many epics that really they are wishing for the new album to be another "Number of the beast" or "Powerslave". I may be wrong on that, but I think it's possible. I think Maiden are one of the few bands who have been around for more than 20 years that are actually putting out music that is still relevant to today's metal scene. I think they have shown what their current style is and they are content with it and so am I.


  1. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Well, if they were epics, that would be great. But they are not, they are just 4 minute songs that are stretched over the 8 minute mark by endless repetitions and completely trivial intros and whatnot...

    Normally, I am not that evil, but MAIDEN really got on my nerves with "Brave New World" so much that I'm almost glad the CD accidentally broke^^ Then it served as a clock, which was a great purpose as the cover was nice...

    I really can't understand all the media praise for their new albums (especially, since always one year later when the new album appears, the old one suddenly is not so good anymore), and I can't understand why noone asks them if they want to drown in money as they announced to release a live DVD/CD after every regular album...

  2. I think the crtiical praise is because, despite it's faults, Iron Maiden's new one is still light years better than the Nickelback-style crap that dominates rock these days.

    On your question, Mark, I would say that I like some epics and not others. "Alexander the Great" worked for me, as did "Rime of the Ancient Mariner," but I thought "To Tame a Land" blew chunks (and I love the Dune series).

    But I come down to this. Here's a band that has been doing very similar music for almost 30 years. If they want to spread their music out a bit and stretch the intros and repeat segments, fine. I wouldn't want to play the exact same song structures on every album for 25 years, so I can't blame them for doing something that's not Number of the Beast, Part II.

    -- david

  3. Joerg-Some of the songs on Brave New World seemed a little stretched out to me, but not the songs on the last two albums. I really like the last three albums though. It's a different style, but it works for me. It's taken a little more time for me to get into these albums than say the first seven releases, but I have gotten into them.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    I think that fans can't understand that Maiden have changed and also, that they are writing for themselves. There is no commercial reason to put out an album this long. The single for the album was The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg! That song is over 7 mintues!

    It's become clear over the last few records, at least to me, that this is how Maiden write now.

    One thing I don't get though are the people who are saying that there is nothing new on this record (ie. everything is recycled). To my ears, they have done a few different things, took a few more chances. The whole thing just sounds heavier and more focused.

  5. David-I like what they are doing now. You may have to focus more as a listener, but it's worth it.

    Fred-I read a review of a WASP album not that long ago where the person said something like "it's horrible that Blackie Lawless is writing music that he wants to hear". That made me mad because why shouldn't the artist do what they want to do? They are more likely to put 100% into it that way then if they trying something they think the masses would like. As fae as Maiden, it's certainly not the same old thing. It's got the Maiden sound in there, but with more changes and more build-up.

  6. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I read the Bravewords forum a lot and I noticed a tendancy for fans to automatically bash music by established acts such as Maiden without either hearing the CD or giving it a quick listen. Sometimes I think there are people who just want to hate the new Maiden, just because it will set them apart from the pack.

    I must be getting old but these overly cynical opinions annoy the hell out of my anymore. One guy went as far as to say that Bruce sounded horrible on the record. Even if you hate the album, you would probably admit that Bruce sounds great. Unless you are not a Bruce fan, of course.

  7. Too many epics?

    Maybe in a music world where the average song length is now 2 minutes, our attention spans have shortened as well.

  8. I like the record. I sometimes grow weary of the intros, but I think the choruses are a far cry from "Don't ya think I'm a savior, etc." and are quite good.

    Maiden is very comfortable in theri own skin, and I really like that. Basically, they are saying, this is the record we want to make, if you like it great, if not, WGAF.

  9. Anonymous2:26 AM

    It's not my attention span, I can listen to Dream Theater 30 minutes songs and when they are over I wonder how fast they went by.
    With new Maiden songs, I start looking for the skip button after 20 seconds. It's not that they don't make great music, it's just that it's really boring great music.
    I'll never bash Maiden, but I'm surely entitled to being bored by them!

  10. Anonymous2:26 AM

    It's not my attention span, I can listen to Dream Theater 30 minutes songs and when they are over I wonder how fast they went by.
    With new Maiden songs, I start looking for the skip button after 20 seconds. It's not that they don't make great music, it's just that it's really boring great music.
    I'll never bash Maiden, but I'm surely entitled to being bored by them!

  11. Joerg-You are entitled to be bored. I like Dio, but have been bored by some of his albums. Still I like the direction of the last three Maiden albums and I am beginning to think that the new albumis the best of the three.

  12. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I'm really looking forward to your review of the new Maiden :)

    Yes, I really agree on Dio, the newer albums are not that good...but I saw him live last year and he was unbelievable!

  13. Joerg-Might be a week or two until I review the new Maiden because I want to feel like I have heard it enough to be fair.
