
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

I have taken off work today as I do every year on this day because it's my favorite holiday. We are doing chores during the day, but then we are taking the kids trick or treating in the evening. Have a good holiday and I will be back tomorrow with the a really big Battle of the bands.

My wife has written about some real stories that she thought were scary over at her blog.


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Happy Halloween to you as well. I'm kind of bummed this year since I haven't watched enough horror movies. The only movies that I caught were the inappropriately name Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter and, one of my personal favorites, Shaun of the Dead.

  2. Happy Halloween, Mark. My favorite day of the year, too.

    -- david

  3. Have a great Halloween!

  4. Happy Halloween. I know NJ is a bit of a walk, but make sure you stop by our house. We have lots of candy, but almost no trick or treaters.
