
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Current Playlist

Lately I have been listening to:

Iron Maiden-A matter of life and death, Seventh son of a seventh son and Somewhere in time
WASP-Inside the electric circus and The headless children
Accept-Metal Heart and Breaker
Fu Manchu-California Crossing
Smash Alley-Too late to say no
Demon Angels-Time of confusion (This has been a pleasant surprise and I will try to review it next week)

***What have you been listening to?


  1. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Interesting picks you have there for your top 5. I am listening to Demon Angels now, but I am not sure what my take is on it yet.

    I will probably review it today or tomorrow on my blog.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Good stuff on that playlist. I really think the Maiden has a lot of staying power. I love Sleep. I have both Dopesmoker and Jerusalem. If you don't have both, there do sound different and are worth it. That Fu Manchu is a good one too. I'm looking forward to their new CD. They are coving Moving In Stereo by the Cars!

  3. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Current PLaylist:

    Gamma Ray - Powerplant
    Iron Maiden - Dance of Death
    Motorhead - 1916
    Moonsorrow - Verisakeet
    Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain

  4. hardrock hideout-Welcome. I was very surprised by how good I thought Demon Angels was. I may review it next week once I get another listen or two in.

    Fred-I have not heard Jerusalem. I have a friend who has it. Maybe I need to get him to make me a copy some time. I think the new Fu Manchu and the new Trouble are due out on the same day. I would like to get both and the new WASP due out maybe a week before that.

    T-bone-I listened to Powerplant not too long ago.

  5. Anonymous5:36 PM

    From what I understand, Dopesmoker is a live in the studio verision of Jerusalem. Dopesmoker sounds a lot looser and varied than the Jerusalem but both are good. I like Dopesmoker just a tad more.

  6. Fred-I like the first two Sleep albums well enough, but Dopesmoker is easily their peak. It's a challenge to listen to the whole thing, but worth it. It's like everything that's good about doom and stoner music rolled into one.
