
Saturday, January 13, 2007

What's coming up?

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Well, I have decided that this upcoming week will be Motorhead week here at my blog. So here are the topics that I hope to do.

Ace of spades
Another perfect day

Something about the importance of Motorhead
Something about the lyrics of Motorhead

***So do you have a favorite Motorhead album or what are some of your favorite Motorhead songs?


  1. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Great website!

    Lately I've been listening to:

    Judas Priest- Defenders of the Faith
    Black Sabbath - Headless Cross
    Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed (Remastered with extra tracks)
    Rush - Power Windows
    Towers of London - Blood, Sweat, and Towers of London
    Yngwie Malmsteen - Collection

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Great website!

    Lately I've been listening to:

    Judas Priest- Defenders of the Faith
    Black Sabbath - Headless Cross
    Saxon - The Eagle Has Landed (Remastered with extra tracks)
    Rush - Power Windows
    Towers of London - Blood, Sweat, and Towers of London
    Yngwie Malmsteen - Collection

  3. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I've always thought that the philosophy of Motorhead was more interesting than the actual music. Lemmy is such an original that I think that I would rather listen to him drunkenly philosophize in a bar than listen to his music. Of course they've got some great tracks...we all know the list, but I've always been partial to Iron Fist, especially the old live video, seemed to capture the NWOBHM scene perfectly. In terms of albums I really enjoy 1916 because of the variety of styles. Motorhead really just may be the heaviest, fastest rockabilly band ever and that comes across on Going to Brazil and Ramones, but then to hear Lemmy croak his way through the title track really brings a tear to an old metalhead's eye.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Oh man I love Motorhead. I think I will always fondly remember 'Another Perfect Day' - What a great album...

    Rick : That Judas Priest album was the heaviest I heard at that stage of my life and it was just awesome. I still laugh at the memory of my father's secretary asking me whether it was a religious album just judging by the title.

    Ray Gillen : Iron Fist was the first album I heard of Motorhead and head on with 'Another Perfect Day' ("America Hot as Hell!" or what about "If you squeeze my lizard
    I'll put my snake on you")

    Metal Mark : Dude you time machine is working... man I really like this blog !

  5. Another Perfect Day really took me out when they sent me the reissue...I never paid it much mind back in the day, but it's kind of underrated! I remember Orgasmatron making me realize these guys were so unheralded in the eighties, but time has healed that wound. Favorite album? Either Iron Fist or Overkill.

  6. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Favourite Motorhead songs? I'll go with the obvious, Ace of Spades. Though Love Me Like A Reptile and Orgasmatron are pretty great too.

  7. Favourite Motörhead songs?
    Whew! that will depend on the day of the week or my mood but I got to say tracks like 'Snaggletooth', 'Bomber',
    'Hammer', 'Dancing On Your Grave', 'Metropolis', 'Shoot You In The Back', 'Going To Brazil', 'Love Me Like A Reptile', 'Keys To The Kingdom' and my all time favourite 'Stone Dead Forever'
