
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Judge the album cover

Today's offering is Y and T's 1983 album Mean Streak.
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So do you like it, don't like it or think it's just alright?


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Kinda got an Asia thing going on, it's just ok

  2. For that time in the 80s, hell yeah

  3. Just OK. A bit amateurish--they could have spent a few more bucks on a better artist and made it much better.

    -- david

  4. Well it's definitely 80's Metal "Hell Yeah!" Some of them were pretty cheesy looking though.

    "Ok" for me on this particular design.

  5. I like the band logo, but the picture is a little too busy and a little dated. Just alright I would say.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The picture is fine! The font I'm not so sure. Not having heard of Y & T before, I was seeing "Y8TE" and reading it as Yatey. The "mean streak" just looks like snot.

  8. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Something about this cover reminds me of a Judas Priest cover from Screaming for Vengeance. Maybe it is the bright color scheme.

    Back in the day when this disc was released, albums were still around. You wanted a cover to pop, and that one would certainly grab your attention.

    By today's standards, it is kind of cheesy, but I still like it. :)

  9. Catches ones eye but it does look too busy...

  10. I like it, metal snake....whoohoo

  11. For the time period, I think it is a decent cover. I really like the colors, but agree with David and it is a little amateurish.

  12. It's not bad. I like the band logo too, but the snake is dated and kinda cliche.

  13. the general idea was good. definitely looks early 80s, but it was the early 80s, so yeah - i like it.

  14. Anonymous10:39 PM

    I like the cover and the logo. It was '83 so every band had to have a distinct logo. I like the snake better than the Black Tiger cover from '82.

    I agree that it looks a bit Priest-ish in a Screaming For Vengeance/Defenders of the Faith way but more shiny.
