
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Jackyl shirt

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I was reminded of this story when I saw that Jackyl were playing at Rocklahoma. I have not been to that many concerts, but I was lucky enough to see Aerosmith twice in 1994. The second time was in Louisville, Kentucky and Jackyl were the opener. They got a huge ovation, but I thought they were very average. Anyway all of my friends loved Jackyl and one of them bought a shirt that said "Jackyl me off" on the back. A few days later at college another guy we knew saw my friend's shirt and said "You would look more intelligent if you wore a "kick me" sign on your back". I thought it was funny.


  1. I certainly won't argue with the wisdom of the guy who made fun of your friend!

  2. Louisville, Kentucky is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

  3. I have not ever been a big fan of Jackyl. The used to play a ton in Cincinnati, and I have seen them a few times. The whole chainsaw schtick was kind of cool, but as a whole, they are not one of my favorites. They do have a few good songs though.

    Hard Rock Hideout

  4. AHAHAHAHAH!!! Jackyl! Those guys were great... A song I still get a kick out of (not on this album I think) was the Chainsaw song... crazy!

    Good one!

  5. Jackyl is a fun band to listen to sometimes--Down on Me is a good rock song--but I can't get more than about halfway through one of the group's albums before I need to put something else on.

    That said, it would be fun to wear that shirt around and see what people say!

    -- david

  6. that's hilarious!

    I actually have the first Jackyl album. Will it survive CD Shelf Cleanup? Hmmmm....

  7. Ray, for your sake, I hope not!

  8. Ray, hold on to it because I may want to borrow it for "Lesser of two evils" some time soon.

  9. Is there another band with a power tool gimmick that you could match them up with?

  10. No, their opponent will just be in terms of being generic.

  11. That's a pretty broad field to choose from in that time period.
