
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Judge the album cover

This is the start of "Chris Poland half week". In 1993 Chris was in a band called Damn the machine and they released their one and only album. Here is the cover.
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Do you like it, don't like it or think that it's just okay?


  1. I dig it. I love the social commentary implied here.

  2. I don't like it! Doesn't catch my eye, and that's what a cover should do! It looks to depressing.

  3. While I kinda agree with Ray, I'm still not crazy about it. It looks dated. A lot of album covers from that time have that "bad photoshop" appearance. I'm on the fence on this one. At least it isn't the blunt-force stupidity of that Keel cover!

  4. I like it. I used to know a guy that would pick cigarettes buts out of an ashtray and smoke what was ever left.

  5. Ha! I like that one. Never saw it before.

  6. I'm not digging this one at all...the cigarette thing just turns me off...

  7. I like it, but maybe it could have been better. Maybe a broader abgle that showed more sky or something. My college roommate was an art major and he had an assignment to paint a landscape. He hated doing landscapes and no idea what to do. I showed hims this cd cover and he did a slight variation on it and got a good grade. He gave me the painting and I had it on my wall at college for a few years. I got rid of the painting when I quit smoking in 1998.
