
Friday, June 15, 2007

Looking for guest bloggers

I will be taking a brief vacation in late July and was wondering if anyone is interested in doing a guest post here at my blog? Just let me know if you are interested with a comment below. I did this last year both times when I went on vacation. You can write about anything hard rock or metal related.


  1. Ill hook you up with a guest post about the Melvins. They don't get half the credit they deserve.

  2. bostick-That would be great. You can contact me at

    I have two people so far so I need one more. Don't be shy, no one will bite you if you post here. They might growl and nip a little, but no real biting. So is there one more person out there willing to do a post?

  3. How about a Voivod Killing Technology 20th Anniversary album review? I'd be up for that if your card's not already full.

  4. mule-That will work. Just contact me at the e-mail address I listed in the above comment and we can figure out the details.

  5. I think Rockdog would be great, or even possibly Beefcake Almighty!! They'd do a good job in your absence, if you could get them to agree to it!

    Happy Father's Day BTW!

  6. Mark, I'd be honored to. Perhaps you can guest blog on MetalSucks sometime in the near future as well.

  7. aunt Jackie-I have enough people for now, but will keep them in mind when I go on vacation in the fall.

    vince-I have enough people for July, but love for you to guest post in the fall when I go away for a week. I would love to guest on your blog whenever you need me to.
