
Monday, September 24, 2007

Pulling Teeth interview

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I recently had the privilege of interviewing Baltimore area band Pulling Teeth to find out more about them and what they are up to.

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MM-Can you tell us a little about the history of your band?

We started PT in 2005. We were all friends beforehand, and just wanted to do something cool together. Things took on a life of their own pretty quickly and here we are today.

MM-Who are your influences?

Musically I'd say it's a four way cross between Integrity, Haymaker, Slayer and Black Sabbath. Things are starting to change up a little though, new influences are creeping in. None of us want to make the same record again, so things should progress into something interesting.

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MM-You have a number of shows lined up for the next several months including dates on the west coast. What’s the biggest crowd you have played in front of?

Yes, we'll be on tour for a month with our friends Frightener from the UK. They are an incredible band, I'm thrilled that they are going to be playing over here. As far as good shows go, both Sound And Fury and This Is Hardcore fests this past summer were incredible.

MM-Where do you hope to be in three years?

Who knows, ask me again in 2.9.

MM-What band would you love to open for?


MM-Rate the Baltimore metal scene on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being terrible and 10 being incredible.

There are a lot of great bands in both the metal and hardcore circles. Pig Destroyer, Misery Index, Triac are great heavier bands. Ruiner, Surroundings, Trapped Under Ice, Harsh Truth, Deep Sleep are all great hardcore bands. Shows can be hit and miss, but are good for the most part. It's kinda like that anywhere. DIY ethics are alive and well in this city, I think everythings fine.

MM-Any upcoming plans for recording?

We just recorded a new full length called 'Martyr Immortal' which will be out this fall on Deathwish Inc/A389.

MM-What is your band doing that sets you apart?

Umm I don't know how to answer that without sounding like a douche. We just do what we do and it works. When it stops working, it's time to do something else.

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Thanks a lot to the guys in Pulling Teeth for the interview and thanks to Nicole at Deathwish Inc. for providing me with the pictures. You can check out the band's myspace page here

1 comment:

  1. That last answer was a classic. A bit of a cop-out, but at least a funny one. I like the question.
