
Monday, November 05, 2007

Clash of the album covers

Just pick the cover you prefer.

It's Alice Cooper's Killer
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


KISS-Dressed to kill
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

***Which cover do you like more?


  1. I prefer the Kiss cover. Something odd about it, but fun.

  2. Dressed to Kill for me too.

    The Alice Cooper cover is sad.

    Rob Rockitt
    Hard Rock Hideout

  3. I like the Killer cover, because I'm never sure if the killer is the snake or the serial killer who wrote the artist and title on there. Still, I have to go with Dressed to Kill for its sense of humor. The CD looks kinda bad, but the LP has the Kiss border embossed and it doesn't stand out so much. It looks a lot better.

  4. I looked at both on vinyl before deciding and I liked the Alice cover. Nice background and off kilter a bit just like Alice. KISS is good, but it's like a photo shoot and Gene's pants are way too small.

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Being a KISS diehard, I'm biased. I vote Dressed To Kill.....its just the polar opposite of what their image was at the time, plus the title. It just works. The actual history of the photoshoot is interesting, there are many different perspectives as to why, where, etc.

    Heavy Metal Addiction

  6. Alice. It's kind of lame, but that KISS picture weirds me out.

  7. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Kiss! I love that cover. Song for song, Killer is probably a better album. Dressed to Kill is my least favorite of the old Kiss albums. I much prefer Hotter than Hell.

  8. Dressed to Kill. No contest.
