
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Interview with Jim Ortiz of Amplified Heat

I recently interviewed Jim Ortiz who is the guitarist and lead singer from Amplified Heat. Amplified Heat hail from Austin, Texas and their new album "How do you like the sound of that" is now out on Arclight records.

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MM-Who are your influences? Do you give your music a label or not?
JO-The only label that can be used is rock n roll. are influences are Beatles,stones,Hendrix,Cream,The Who,Sabbath,Zep,MC5,Motor Head,ZZ Top the list goes on and on. basically music from way back. nothing new, we hate modern music!!

MM-Your new album “How do you like the sound of that” is due out on October 2nd. How does the new album compare with your previous material?
JO-Our new record is more laid back compared to the fast paced frantic songs we put out on our last two releases. still heavy, still loud,always blues based!More groove as opposed to just showin people that we can play. now we are showing people we can write songs!

MM-You and Chris were in a band called Blues Condition in the 1990’s. How was that band different from Amplified Heat?
JO-Blues Condition was just a blues band. we played straight up 12 bar blues,shuffles,rumbas,and boogie! the difference between us and the blues bands of the day is that we played fast, heavy and loud! loud as fuck! Blues Condition was louder than most metal bands out there, same thing with The Heat.

MM-From what I have read and heard, it sounds like the band has been growing musically over the years. Are you still continuing to grow as writers and as players?
JO-Yes! its a natural process! you always grow, move foward.

MM-At times your music sounds very much like it is straight form the late 60’s or early 70’s. Is that intentional or do you think it just turns out that way due to your influences?
JO-I think its a combination of the two. we love all that old shit and we also exclusively use vintage gear. Thats the only way to get that sound! Its the sound that defines our music. bare bones, simple set up.

MM-Where do you see yourselves in five years?
JO-Touring the world!

MM-What is it like writing and playing with your brothers? Do you have a set time for say talking about family and a set time as band mates or do the two just overlap?
JO-Honestly, its a giant cluster fuck! but I would trade it for nothin!!!

MM-Anything else you want people to know about Amplified Heat?
JO-Just that we are a rock band! and if you like rock n roll and if you like it nice and loud, then The Heat just may be your bag!

Thanks to Jim for doing the interview. I think their new album will likely make my list of top 15 albums of 2007 so check them out.

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