
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Top five worst albums covers of 1987

Here are my top five worst album covers of 1987.

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1-Artillery-Terror squad

It looks like even the artist gave up half way through. Is that a liger on the cover?

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2-Wehrmacht-Shark Attack

This kind of stuff is okay if it's just you doodling on your book cover in sixth grade, but don't put it on and album cover. Don't pay anyone to do it either.

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3-Executioner-Break the silence

Oh, look at the big scary face. Glad they spared no expense on the band logo as well.

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4-DBC-Dead Brain Cells

Ooops, we drew our skull all itty bitty. Quick, draw a bunch of squiggly blood red lines to fill in the inky blackness!

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They didn't even include the normally cool Preist logo to try and save this turkey. None of those fingers are the one that the artist deserves to get for drawing this.

Top five best album covers of 1987 will be coming on Thursday.


  1. Now you can't always judge an album by it's cover as both Executioner and Artillery likely would have made a top 15 best album list for 1987. Had I extended the list that far. The Priest album is alright and I have not heard DBC in so long that I really don't remember much about it. Okay, maybe you can judge the Wehrmacht one by the cover though.

  2. I'd say that the finger the artist deserves is the same one Priest deserves for recording and touring for Turbo.
