
Friday, February 01, 2008

Judge the album cover


Okay, it's WASP's The Last Command from 1985. So do you like the cover, don't like it or is it just alright?


  1. well, honestly, it's kinda silly, but it's an endearment cover and I won't forget walking home in the rain from work with that tape just bought in my pocket and I drank hot chocolate with a towel over my soaked head and drowned myself in this album, feeling wonderful about it nonetheless... "Iiiiiiiii....I'm the widowmaaaaaaaker!"

  2. It's really poorly done, but that concept, even done well, would be cheesy.

  3. Kind of lame. The yellow tint is annoying, and I think we should have expected much better than this from Blackie and the boys.

    -- david

  4. I always think of this cover when Fall rolls around because of the background colors and of course it came out in the Fall of '85. I remember Blackie telling a story about falling down this little mock hill while shooting the picture for teh cover.

  5. Blackie Lawless falling down would have made a better cover. People falling is funny.

  6. This my favorite WASP album. the cover isn't that great but I do like the picture inside of the band's heads on stakes. A lot of people wouldn't mind seeing Blackie's head on a stake, LOL!
    It's cheesy but Inside The Electric Circus was worse!


    Heavy Metal Addiction

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    I love it. Pure heavy metal, the way it should be.
