
Monday, March 31, 2008

Judge the album cover

It's the Bulletboys self-titled debut from 1988. Do you like the cover, don't or is it just okay?


  1. I don't think it's very clever. It's a common picture of a bullet taken with a high-speed camera. So what? Big deal. I guess it fits the music though: unoriginal.

  2. I think that I actually first saw this picture in a high school science textbook and that was before I saw this cover. So it was just alright for me.

  3. It's great. A famous picture from the early days of high-speed cameras, and very different from the other albums in the genre out at the time. I'm a fan of it.

  4. I like this album, but that cover did absolutely nothing to generate any interest in the band.

  5. I used to stare at it for a long time when I first bought it, which Mark will remember was from our good buddy Ron Curry's store and it sat in the locker at Super Thrift while we were on shift and I kept that image in my mind while working and couldn't wait to go home and listen to it. I remember walking home from work in the dark on the train tracks a few miles towards home with that album in my hand. Funny, walking home with an ALBUM. Glory days.
