
Friday, January 16, 2009

10 things I think about metal in 1989


In reflecting about 1989 I thought about these things in no particular order.

1-In general this was a better year for metal than 1988 was.
2-There seemed be less releases from independent metal labels than there had been in previous years.
3-Motley Crue came back to form somewhat with Dr. Feelgood, but I am not sure they were that relevent anymore.
4-KISS began the 1980's on a low note and they ended it on a low note as well.
5-Even though I am not normally big on post-Dio Sabbath I think that the Headless Cross was slightly underrated.
6-Despite not being all that original Tora Tora's "Surprise Attack" is still a darn good hard rock album.
7-Labels were signing bands (mostly hair bands) who they would not have signed a few years earlier due to lack of talent.
8-Skid Row's debut is good, but it hasn't held up as well as I thought it would.
9- This was a good year for early death metal releases. Although death still kind of blended with thrash at that point.
10-Warrant's debut is even worse than I remember it being.


  1. The only redeeming thing about Dr Feelgood was the tour. Sure it was unfortunate that Warrant opened up, but I was fortunate in that I hada hot little redhead with huge tits on my shoulders for most of Crue's show...and yes, she was topless for much of that time. Good times for a 19 year old.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Headless Cross, Eternal Idol and Seventh Star were some of Sabbath's most underrated albums in my opinion. Tony Martin and Glenn Hughes were both awesome singers to bring to these albums. Not "classic line-ups" but great albums none the less.

  4. good way to end that reflection...Filthy Stinking Period... I'd add Eternal Idol to the Sabbath list...Headless Cross is the best of the Iommi show ventures, but i dig EI a good bit...Sean, great story, dude! My venture to the Dr. Feelgood tour wasn't quite so hot, though I saw some people fucking in a car in the parking lot... Mark, did you go with me to that show? I remember it being a really good show, but Mick Mars' solo was the first time I'd seen people talking through the whole thing, zzzzzzzzz
