
Friday, January 30, 2009

What's coming up?


Originally I was going to have my review of the new Sepultura up today, but I just ran out of time. So I will have that out on Saturday. I was watching a number of old shows this week including Wonder Woman. Back in the late 70's early 80's I used to love these "action" shows. Now I go back and watch programs like Wonder Women, Dukes of Hazzard, Buck Rogers, The Incredible Hulk and others and wonder who wrote this crap? Or importantly why was so I into them back then? I guess it was because I was a kid and didn't know any better. I don't know what my excuse is these days as I still watch them. I guess I should just be glad that Wonder Woman is in her satin tights fighting for our rights. Here is what I hope to have out next week.

Reviews of...
Scale the summit-Carving desert canyons
The Rock United-Baptized in oil
The Assassinations-Future Blasts from the past
1977-Rock 'n Roll

Interview with Hemoptysis

Clash of the album covers

Top ten albums of 1982


  1. Linda Carter is still sexy and honestly, why else were we guys watching that tripe? I got all three seasons for my wife as they came out and I was into the first season for the most part and then I was like, oy vey, what the hell?

  2. My daughter was watching Wonder Woman the other day. Then she started spinning around in circles. When she stopped she said that she was trying to turn into a super hero like Wonder Woman, but all she got was dizzy.

  3. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Looking forward to reading the review for our new album! Hope you enjoyed that sucker, as much as the last one. Later Ray! -Chris/STS
