
Thursday, April 09, 2009

Gomorah-By the means of violence


This band's debut EP is a dose of classic thrash, old-style death metal and more recent hard core influences. So not a lot of new ideas and not everything works, but the effort is certainly there. The rhythms are heavy and they do a fine job of varying the guitar tones enough to keep it interesting. The drums range from serviceable to downright massive when called upon. The most original part of the band is probably the vocals as they include guttural gurgling, dry-throated screams, deep squeals and combinations of the above. They don't always work 100%because not every part goes with the rest of the song. However there is certainly a power to most of the vocals and when it does work it adds an extra dimension to their music. I was pleased when the band hit with numerous brutal attacks. When they hit their stride they could normally maintain their aggressive approach throughout the song. The only problem they run into is that they occasionally sound spastic and when they happens they just seem to be stumbling along. It doesn't happen too often, but it's certainly something they could stand eliminate. It's far from perfect, but no doubt that this is a promising start for this band.

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