
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Heavy Metal musicians in horror movies

One rainy Saturday when I was in college the idea entered my mind to walk a mile in the rain to rent Monster Dog at one of the many video stores that was in this small town. I had been tempted on several occasions to rent this film. Only one store had it and I was sure that no one else would rent it. Sure enough it was there so I rented it and picked up a pack of Whoppers and a bottle of strawberry milk and was back to my dorm to watch this movie. Of course it was a very bad film, painfully so. Poor acting, cheap monster and rotten dialog highlighted this movie. Was I surprised? No I expected it to be rotten. So why then did I rent it in the first place? Was it because I love bad horror movies? Not exactly and besides there are much more enjoyable bad horror movies out there. Was I wanting to torture myself? Nope. Was it because Alice Cooper was in it? Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. Yes, I rented it just to see Alice Cooper star in a horror movie. He had small parts in other films, but for some reason I had the desire to see him in this movie. After seeing it I am glad he would soon spend more time concentrating on music again.
I remember seeing the 1986 film Trick or Treat for the first time. I liked it and still do. Gene Simmons was actually quite good as a DJ. Ozzy was more silly than anything as a TV evangelist.
Unlike Monster Dog this movie had more of a focus on metal music.

**Are there any horror movies with metal musicians in them that you like?


  1. Check out my article from last year in honor of Halloween.

    Nice find on Monster Dog, I never saw it nor did I realize Alice Cooper was in it. I might have to check that out.

  2. I know its not a horror movie, but Dave Grohl in Tenacious D will be one of my favorite roles.

  3. Coop was good as the psycho/zombie/homeless person in Prince Of Darkness. It was actually a decent flick too.

  4. I actually saw this in the theater. No metal stars IN the film, but an awesome soundtrack especially for 1985!
