
Friday, October 30, 2009

What's coming up?

Lately I have been trying to watch horror movies when I can. Going to try and do some Halloween related activies with the kids on Friday and Saturday.
I still owe a review of the Blaze Bayley DVD and I hope to have that up on Halloween.
I also hope to have the following out in the coming week.
Reviews of...

Rammstein- Liebe ist für alle da

Greensleeves-The elephant truth

and maybe one other.

Clash of the album covers

Lesser of two evils-Funhouse against Cry of love

***Have a great week!


  1. The more I think about the activities I am doing with the kids the more I think it will be a few days until I get to look at the Blaze Bayley DVD. May have the Greensleeves review out soon instead.

  2. The new Slayer arrived by Fed Ex today so I'll likely be reviewing it this week.
