
Friday, December 18, 2009

My top 25 albums of 2009 finishes up today.

5-Slough Feg-Ape uprising
More of their style of NWOBHM with underlying folk melodies, but one of their stronger albums.
4-Slayer-World painted blood
One of their best ina long time
3-Black Cobra-Chronomega
Slow, thick and heavy.
2-Admiral Browning-Magic Elixar
Holy shit, these guys built a wall of sound on this album.
1-Mastodon-Crack the skye
Not what I figured this album would be like, not even what i hoped for perhaps, but great nonetheless.


There you go.


  1. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Good list, but for me the top 2 of the year is KISS - Sonic Boom and Megadeth - Endgame.

  2. I of course agree with you on Mastodon...they've generated an overwhelming amount of Best Album nods everywhere I look. Anon, good call on the Megadeth album. I had it # 7, but it's fantastic. Sonic Boom was much better than I was counting on it to be, at least.

  3. I never got around to hearing Megdeth, but would like too. Don't really have much interest in KISS at this point.

  4. FeZZy8:45 AM

    WoW thank you for the props sir...astounded by the outcome..we are Humbled and grateful for your opinion and for taking the time to listen! Fezz,Tim.Matt AB

  5. Nice list. That Slough Feg tape really impressed me, too.
