
Thursday, January 07, 2010

The mood

I listen to a lot of albums and a lot of different bands, but in the last say ten or fifteen years I have noticed that there are bands that I can listen to at any time and other bands where i have to be in the mood to listen to them. It's not just a matter of liking one more than the other because there are some bands who fall in the second category who are some of my favorite bands of all time.

Here are five that come to mind that I can listen to at any time.

Iron Maiden-Excluding the crappy 90's stuff I could listen to most of the other ones at any given time. I take to the m automaticly and always have.

Van Halen (Roth-era of course)-One of the first I ever got still holds well to my ears. It's largely upbeat and the grooves still sound strong.

Motorhead-Other than a few albums, most of theirs are albums I can turn on, crank up and get my blood going.

Hanoi Rocks-About twnty years ago I would have add them in the other category due to the odd paces and mixed sounds. Now I listen to them frequently for the same reasons.

WASP-I have my favorite albums, but since 1984 I have been listening to them fairly regularly without a break.

Five bands I like, but have to be in a certain mood to want to hear them.

Rush-Used to listen to them all the time, but now I really have to be in the mood to want to hear them even their best material.

Pentagram-I love doom and old 70's sludge, but I have to be in a patient, kind of low -key mood for this band.

Megadeth-I used to listen to them all the time from about 86-90. I still like them, but have to be in a rare mood to listen to them particularly a whole album.

Helloween-Another band I listened to a lot for a long time. The best power metal band around and like all power metal I can only take it in small doses these days.

Ozzy-I don't know if it's his overexposure in recent years as an idiot or the almost twenty years of worthless albums. Whatever the reason I have to really be in the mood to listen to even his best stuff yet I definitely admit he did a few very good albums.


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    What about Black Sabbath (70's era)?
    and Led Zeppelin?

    Sorry I'm a pain!

  2. No pain at all. Both bands would fall in the I can listen to almost any time category although not as much as the five bands I listed. I think hearding Sabbath and Zeppelin so much over the years has made it to where I don't to them as much as I once did to some extent.

  3. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Man, I could not agree with you more on Motorhead, Iron Maiden and W.A.S.P., three out of my five "core bands" I NEED to listen to always. My other two: Misfits and Slayer.

    I just bought Rush - "Working Men" Live, today... I need them in my ears on a semi-regular basis... especially when I am driving for some reason. A Metal thought provoking post... yup.
