
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Short update and snowed in play list

Still no computer and we were snowed in from Tuesday afternoon until today as we got hit by the second blizzard in less than a week. I am not back to work until Tuesday so I am just stopping by to clean up e-mails and check in. I hope to get a new computer soon and have some reviews next week.

Snowed in play list for the last few days
In between entertaining the kids with books, movies, card games, coloring books and other stuff I did find time to listen to a few things.

Slough Feg-Atavism
I didn't take to this immediately, but it has grown on me. A bit more direct and even simplified, but as a whole it works very well.
Slough Feg-Sly Stack grows
Double disc of demos and live material. The first disc is early and very, very raw in the production department. The second disc is far closer to the quality we know this band for. Good set though.

Robin Brock-Monsters
I will have a proper review on this soon. Pop/hard rock in a very early-mid 80's style. Strong vocals help it a lot.

Heathen-The evolution of chaos
I didn't know this was coming put until it showed up in my mail box. Pretty cool so far. I need to give it another spin or two before I can put together a review.

Mercyful Fate-Return of the vampire
Not always big on early demo collections, but I bought this one when it first came out and took to it right away. You can really hear the potential and the talent.

I won't be back with another post until at least Tuesday. Have a happy valentines and stay warm. I passed a gas station where a poet obviously works because their sign said "give from the heart, buy roses at Jiffy Mart". Take care and I will be back soon.

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