
Saturday, March 05, 2011

Gates Of Babylon-Demo

Self Released 2010

Honestly folks we have had this talk before about the proper way to market your band. Now imagine you walked into your neighborhood record store and saw the above demo under local talent. Would the artwork inspire you to take a chance on the group? Maybe? Well, imagine instead of the Black Sabbath inspired artwork you had this:
What was that you said? Heavy metal fan's wouldn't take this seriously either? Why? Because girls (especially drop dead gorgeous ones) can't rock out as hard as guys can? Wrong. Yes, it's probably sexist of me to assume that a cover with hot looking metal woman would sell better than a drab piece of artwork that makes you wonder if the group is either goth or black metal. But as a guy you catch more flies (male metal fans) with honey (or hotties) than with vinegar (or bland album art). Regardless of my gripes with the album art these ladies are good musicians. Fact is this talented Cleveland, Ohio band (by way of Detroit) was formed in 2008 and includes former members of the popular female fronted metal bands Mary Shaw (Detroit) and Murder the Silence (Cleveland) and have one top notch demo here. Gates Of Babylon has already gained a following in the Detroit and Cleveland metal scene and have shared the stage with bands like Between the Buried and Me, Chimaira, Caliban, Mushroomhead, Kittie and Psyopus . Their demo was recorded at Track Six Productions in Cleveland Ohio with producer and engineer Brandon Youngs (Beneath the Sky, Drivers Side Impact, Epicurean, 3, Forever In Terror, Helmet, Luna Mortis, Warrant ) and clocks in at just under 13 minutes. With lead vocals handled by Jessi Carrick the group have been compared to Arch Enemy in the past. I'd say that's a fair assessment but Gates Of Babylon lean more towards metalcore. Joined by one of the better guitarists I've heard in awhile (male or female) Suzie Reagan (who also handles backing vocals and is the brute force madness to Jessi's attention grabbing melody)the group pacts some serious punch. Rounding out the group on the demo is Kristen Woutersz on guitar, Sarah Stonebraker on bass and drummer Nikki Collins. While the group is currently looking for a new bass player (according to their Myspace page) I have to also mention Nikki's work behind the drum kit. She is a force to be reckoned with as she keeps the beat while beating the living daylights out drum. Man is all I can. Scratch that. Women is all I can say. These women prove you can be chosen to be one of Revolver's hottest chicks and still play better than the boys. Word has it the group is working on a new studio album and I'll certainly look to try to snag a copy for review when it gets down. Just one word of advice though ladies. Skip the cheesy cover art and just do a group picture. Pull them in first with your looks if that's what it takes and then wrap them up in your web of heavy metal charm. Once people hear what you can do and how addicting your metal is you'll have them right where you want them!

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