
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M.I.C-3rd degree



When I heard this band's last album I pretty much dismissed them as a rough sounding bar band. A year has gone by, this band has gone through some line-up changes and a new album has emerged. M.I.C (Made in China) sound a little better than before, but this album still has real problems. I envision walking into some tiny dive somewhere in 1983 and the majority of the people there are more interested in each other or drinking than in the band that's crammed into a corner churning out songs that sound like a combination of second rate versions of Bob Segar, Loverboy and maybe late 70's KISS. That is what this band sounds like. Nothing wrong with bar bands as you have start somewhere. However the hope is that your writing and playing evolve at some point. This album is a little stronger than the previous one with tighter melodies and smoother vocals. However they still sound like they should be playing in front of twenty people on a Tuesday night instead of being ready to record an album. It's an improvement, but it's still a weak album because they lack the kind of hooks and sparks that make me want to hear them.

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