
Saturday, March 12, 2011

TheResemblance-Various Sample Cuts

Self Released 2010/2011

Usually when I talk about how young a band is it is in regards to their years together and not their actual age. With TheResemblance you actually have a young band who are....well, very young. Band member Paul Murray might seem young at 19 but then what does that say about his brother (and fellow band mate) who is 13? Joined by another 19 year old and 23 year old the band describes their own style as thus-"Its Raw, it's gritty, its what we do with our lives. We work hard to make this music a combination of blues, neo-classical, and jazz, put together with shredding guitars." "Red Lightning" and "New Hero" arrived in my e-mail awhile back and are both instrumentals that the band was still working on and editing. I was impressed with both cuts as the band firmly have their feet planted in Joe Satriani territory. I'm not saying they could keep pace with Joe as that would be high praise indeed. What I'm saying is that these kids are no slouches. Hearing classical guitar from some teens impresses me fact is. It's good to see young musicians playing with style and grace instead of trying to cater to current trends. Next I look at the group's sample songs posted on their NEGB1 page. "Sometimes I Feel So Special" features some tasty blues licks even if the drums come off as sounded to programmed. "Red Lightning" I already covered so "Been Talkin' to Me" has more blues swagger with gritty guitar solos. "Factors" is the slowest song of the bunch and reminded of some local blues/jam bands I've seen. Not bad in and of itself but it is one of those songs that probably comes of better live in an intimate bar setting (though the band probably couldn't play bars so let's say bingo halls). So, a touch of neo-classical and a huge splash of the blues. Good stuff. Given the right manager and guidance the band could go far on the jam band circuit. Seeing as they are young and already off to a good start TheResemblance shows promise. Find out more at the groups NEGB1 page.

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