
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Twisted Sister-Come out and play


Twisted Sister's forth full length album has the unfortunate but not totally deserved reputation of being a real missed opportunity. After the success of Stay Hungry in 1984 this band was really at the brink of becoming huge. They just needed their next album to push them over to the next level. There was no reason to believe they wouldn't because their first three albums were all tremendous. Even though it took radio and MTV pushing the singles off of Stay Hungry to get them noticed they still seemed like a band that would make it. All of that changed in 1985 though largely because Twisted Sister underrated their fans. Believing "Leader of the pack" was a wise choice to release as their first single (or even put it on their album) was a foolish decision. It obviously wasn't going to appeal to the teenage hard rock fans that loved "Stay Hungry". Also "You want what we got" and "Lookin' out for #1" are lame anthems. Both suffer from complete lack of spirit or any kind of edge. The slightly moody ballad "I believe in you" is okay overall. They try, but it does out kind of dull. With those songs out of the way we get to the better tracks on the album. "Be chrool to your scuel" was the second video and had a cameo from Alice Cooper. Not so hard rock perhaps, but a fun song although I can see it not being the best choice to release as a single. Again it probably didn't appeal to the band's established audience. "King of the fools" was originally added as a bonus track on the cassette and CD only. It's a slow winding affair, but I have always enjoyed it and thought Dee Snider have his vocals the right degree of emotions. "Out on the streets" also tends to get ignored, but again the vocals help and it's a likable track. Now to the absolute best of this album. "I believe in rock n' roll" has the typical cornball lyrics, but it's a high spirited, fist pumping song that sucks you in right away. "Kill or be killed" is still one of the heaviest Twister Sister songs ever done. Perhaps one of the band's most underrated tacks ever is "The fire still burns" which is one I always have to press the repeat button on. The band must like it to as it has appeared on some of the live performances they have released in recent years. The title track has an opening inspired by the 1979 cheeseball gang film "The Warriors", but quickly burst out and knocks you flat. So I like about 2/3 of the album which makes it above average and certainly not the bomb that so many people dismiss it as. Not the band's best moment for sure, but there are still gems on this one. The new re-issue includes slightly different packaging from the previous re-issue.

1 comment:

  1. And if you have the vinyl copy, you get to flip Dee up out of the manhole cover. Too bad for the album's fate because Twisted got flipped off with this album. Again, we see it the same way review-wise.
