
Sunday, May 01, 2011

Diamond Lane-World without heroes



When I received this promo I remembered the band name and checked back and saw I had reviewed their "Save this city" EP back in 2008. I also noticed that in that review I mentioned reading they had slated to release an album called "World without heroes" for later in 2008. Well, maybe it's coming two and a half years after they originally planned it, but this album was worth the wait. This year hasn't been the greatest for hard rock so far, but Diamond Lane liven that scene up a little bit and hopefully some people take notice. These guys remind me of early Skid Row only brought up to date a bit. The riffs are spectacular and the production is quite a bit short than on their 2008 EP. The rhythm section is solid and the vocals lead the way. Some of the real standout tracks are "All rebels welcome", "Needle down" and "Heaven's Falling". Opener "All rebels welcome" is a smooth track that I found a appealing right away. "Needle down" is a heavy galloping track that's extremely tight and boasts a spectacular solo as well. "Heaven's Falling" is a slick, melodic track that shows how strong this band's writing skills are. Every track is a winner on "World without heroes". Glad to see a young band stick at it and really knock one out of the ballpark as Diamond Lane have done on this album.

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