
Monday, May 09, 2011

Culo A Boca/ The Eruptors



This one showed up in my mailbox the other week with a hand drawn picture on the envelop of a punk rocker throwing bottle at another dude's head on the envelope. Plus there was Cula A Boca sticker on the envelope as well, but I had never heard of this band and wondered how this had ended up being delivered to me. Then I opened it up and saw that the Eruptors were the other band on this split disc. I am very familiar with the Eruptors and their brand of turbo charged madness. Okay so the UK's Eruptors are up first with four studio tracks and on live one. The material is similar in mood to the previous albums. They blend metal, old style hardcore and even surf rock into a crazed attack and top it all off with their brand of silliness. They are in fine form on these tracks and my only complaint is that I wish there were more than four tracks. As I said I wasn't familiar with Cula A Boca so these six tracks were my initiation to their insane world. This California based act are highly influences by the Misfits. Although the female vocals and their steady groove driven style helps them to put their own stamp on every song. Some of their songs were quite similar to one another,. However they lead me on a quick and fun ride with some bouncing 60's tones mixed in with early 80's punk simplicity. I enjoyed the entries from both band immensely on this split disc. Both bands have different sounds, but their love of fun and loud music shines through on this album.

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