
Friday, August 31, 2012

Heavy Cross-Street Wolf (7" EP)

Hells Headbangers

When any promo states that a band is "
Heavily influenced by Scandinavian Metal like OZ, HEAVY LOAD, GOTHAM CITY and plenty of NWOBHM bands" chances are I'm going to like it. Sure enough this two-track EP is prime, old-school heavy metal with enough of a "I just found this dusty old single buried in the back of some record store and it looks as if there are only about a dozen copies that saw the light of day" appeal to make me feel like a giddy kid in a candy store! Gotham City meets Heavy Load meets any/every NWOBHM act that managed to release only one single is how I would describe this offering and I mean that with the greatest of respect. This one does not so much sound retro as it is retro. Somehow/someway this little beauty feels like 1981/1982 which is obviously odd since this it came out in 2012 and the "act" is only a few years old (2009). This Finnish sensation is sure to appeal to the old school crowd....and I mean REALLY OLD SCHOOL.

Available in Gray Vinyl or traditional Black Vinyl:

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty darn good. It's so much like the old style that it really sounds like it could have been done 30 years ago even down to the stripped down production. I'd love to hear what they guys could create in a full length album format.
