
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Megachurch: Megachurch 2: Judgement Day

Stressed Sumo Records

With the end of the world now (thankfully) less then a week away why not confess you misdeeds at the Megachurch? This 3-piece Cleveland act seems as if it does not take themselves, or this world all that matters, all that seriously, but one listen to their seriously insane sound is likely to make you a believer anyway! In place of a lead vocalist (who needs 'em anyway right?) we're treated to found-sound samples of politicians, televangelists and Tea Party fanatics. Not only that, but the band takes a stand against traditional power trios by going bass, bass and drums instead of bass, guitar and drums. If you guessed that the combination of samples, bass and drums results in a unholy amount of racket and noise then give yourself a pat on the back and shout "Hallelujah!". The group’s sound is mean and ugly. It's also very effective. Looking for the ultimate listening experience for your "End Of the World" party? Look no further my friends. While it technically does not come out until after the world is due to expire it is streaming at the link below so at least you have that to go by right? All you need to do is combine "Megachurch 2: Judgement Day" with cheap beer, some good friends and maybe some tacos (why tacos? why not!) and you are all set to ride out the end times in style.

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