
Friday, December 07, 2012

The Badlands-The Badlands 7" EP

Shit Starter Records

I've already discussed my appreciation for Shit Starter Records (See the link below ladies and gents) so this 7" EP is just icing on the cake as they say! Seattle's own The Badlands, who shouldn't be confused with Jake E. Lee's short-lived band (Who would possibly confuse the two you ask? Heck if I know, but I'm sure someone/somewhere could!), are a four-piece rock and roll band that sound a bit like Joan Jett and the Blackhearts meeting The Runaways for a couple of beers, getting a nice buzz on at 7 o'clock in the morning and then deciding that they just absolutely, positively needed to form a garage band. The only difference would be that The Badlands are not quite at the skill level that said band would be songwriting-wise. That's
not to say that this band didn't rock my little corner of the world as they did! The Badlands are real rock not that generic, over-synthesized crap that passes for it these days (Need an example? Just look for any "rock" band in Rolling Stone magazine today...if you can find one that is.), but the "Let's form a garage band, drink cheap beer and write fun songs" real kind of rock band. It's not always pretty and I'm sure a major label would say "Well, we just don't hear a single guys", but it's real and honest. So inspired was I in fact by that fact, as well as the band's DIY mentality, that I ordered not only the digital download of this self-titled release, but the actual 7" EP on blue vinyl! As always it's up to you and I to support underground punk, rock and metal otherwise it will just be a lost art form and nobody, except maybe some suit and tie reps, wants that. Find out more at the link below.

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