
Monday, February 25, 2013

Dark Salvation-Der letzte Weg


Dark Salvation hail from the Principality of Liechtenstein. Lead by vocalist Gianluca Teofani the group, who were formed in 2008, are set to release their new album in less then a week. It's not completely unusally or unheard of, but Dark Salvation's first release (if the Metal Archives is to be believed ) was a DVD. Releasing a DVD first? Yes, some bands have taken this path. These guys, who feature what I assume are two brother's in their ranks (guitarist Kevin Schädler and drummer Samuel Schädler) have also released one other album. "Bärgthron", released in April of 2010, was also a self-release/independent release although it seems as if the band swapped out lead singers at one point. Simon Sprenger (guitar) and Marcel Gebert (bass) fill out the ranks on this sophomore release. While I can't make heads or tails out of any of the lyrics (sorry, English is the only language I speak and with the way things are going for me lately I'm struggling to even keep a handle on that!) the music itself is melodic death metal with that little "extra something" added to keep things interesting. On a number like "Schatten" that means you get a melodic death metal song with what almost amounts to rock and roll riffage. Vocalist Gianluca Teofani is a fairly by-the-numbers death metal singer, but the musicians involved really carry Dark Salvation. The technical nature of a number such as the 6-minute "Sekunden meiner Macht" blends nicely with a more "metal" track such as "Feuertod" (which isn't the only number to feature great Megadeth-like solos). The language barrier could be an issue for Dark Salvation, but the music is more then capable of putting these guys over here in the States. Recommended for fans of  early Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquility and At The Gates. 

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