
Friday, March 13, 2015

Satan's Hallow-"The Horror b​/​w Satan's Hallow" Single


My dear friends and loved ones I would like to take the opportunity to present to you Illinois' one and only Satan's Hallow. Comprised of lead singer Mandy Martillo, guitarists Mendoza & Von Jugel, bassist Poncho and drummer Rüsty (and with this {Why in the name of everything both holy and unholy haven't you already downloaded it already?} name-your-own-price single soon to be released on cassette* and 7" vinyl**) this Chicago-based N.W.O.B.H.M./traditional heavy metal-inspired band is absolutely wicked! Sinfully wicked in fact!! And I'm already head over heels for them! Of course any band that is seemly as obsessed with older horror films as I am is going to win me over. But when you have a band that also takes it's cue from the likes of Acid, Mercyful Fate, Judas Priest, Warlock and (old) Running Wild (all of which I have in my personal collection and rock out to!) then we are also talking about the whole love at first sight/is it alright if I just go ahead and start stalking you already? kind of relationship!While both tracks here are righteous in there own way it's actually the (not-quite-three-minutes, but it will haunt you eternally!) "The Horror" that left me completely speechless! That's not to take anything away from "Satan's Hallow" as this four minute tribute to eighties metal is a real "horns high in the air!" banger that leaves you longing to hear so much more from this retro-infused five-piece! Just-released this past Tuesday (March 10th to be exact) "The Horror b​/​w Satan's Hallow" could have easily been passed off as a recently-unearned single from heavy metal's glory days and no one would be the wiser! And that includes yours truly! It's simply that classic sounding and for the members of Satan's Hallow this golden ticket of a digital download has the feeling of something epic and even groundbreaking! I get the feeling that we're looking at just the start of something that will ultimately prove to be magical ..... 

*Swords and Chains (release date 5/1/15) 

**No official label or release date listed yet, but mark my words it's going to happen as this N.W.O.B.H.M./traditional heavy metal single is far too good for labels to pass it up! Frankly I'm surprised that someone hasn't already signed this band to a multi-album deal! I know I would if I had my own label. Especially as this has low-risk/high-potential written all over it!!!!

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