
Monday, June 08, 2015

Motel Pools- Motel Pools

Suburban Rage

Equal parts garage rock and punk, Motel Pools is a cool new musical project from California-native and long-time synth enthusiast, Chiara Angelicola (Bird Call). The very definition of a D.I.Y. recording, "Motel Pools" is the band's self-released debut and on this brand new 5-track EP we find band-founder/stand-out lead vocalist Chiara Angelicola working with the like of Kyp Malone (TV On The Radio) and Honus Honus (Man Man). In addition to Honus Honus and Kyp Malone (a multi-talented musician, all-around good guy and friend of our fearless front-woman who actually produced this wicked little EP!), "Motel Pools" features contributions from some of Chiara's other friend's in the form of Alex Balderston, Dan Kalisher, and Kiel Feher. All of which merely adds to the honest and sincere nature of these tracks as well as the familiar vibe that this wonderful EP gives off! And speaking of these tracks (or the stellar material responsible for this killer EP), "Motel Pools" was culled from demo recordings that were tracked in Chiara's Williamsburg living room. That was back in 2011(!) and after sitting in digital limbo for some years these misc.home recordings  were dragged (no doubt kicking and screaming along the way!) into the light. After receiving some extra help from her friends, Chiara Angelicola called the whole thing Motel Pools and the rest is history! Or is this actually the start of the story? Let's hope it's the latter as Motel Pools is one project that I would like to see grow into something full-time!!! On the group's self-titled release we're treated to gems like "Trixx", "You Can't Handle", and "Lemme Walk Your Dog". There's even a Butthole Surfers' cover in "Human Canonball"! That alone would be a selling point for me (especially as I share the band's appreciation for all things Gibby Haynes!!!!), but things start off on the right foot with "Monster Girlfriend" and there is actually a lot to love about this EP before that sweet cover choice wraps things up! For one thing there is "Trixx" and this rock gem is nothing short of beautifully tragic! Between Chiara's voice and the song's garage rock riffs this soulful number is second to none!! I love everything that the unhinged "You Can't Handle" has to offer and that includes the cool space sounds that are tacked on for optimal effects. Besides the obvious (TV On The Radio and the Butthole Surfers) influences on "Motel Pools" rage from The Breeders to X  and that only adds to this EP's appeal. I mean "Lemme Walk Your Dog" ends up sounding like a demented Cindy Lauper! How cool is that? All of which brings us to "Human Cannonball" and what a great cover it is! It's an absolutely fierce adaption of this psychedelically warped number and those extra special growls from Kyp are the stuff that punk rock dreams are made of! As a first offering this EP is damn near perfect and it would be a true shame if this was all that we were able to get from this project. Is it too much to hope that there is still a stockpile of home recordings just sitting there?

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