
Thursday, September 17, 2015

Into Darkness-Sinister Demise

Rising Nemesis Records

Pure unfiltered death metal. There's nothing quite like it is there? I mean talk about a thirst quenching thing! It sounds so good right now doesn't it? Well, that's exactly what you get when you down a tall cool glass of Germany's Into Darkness! When it comes to skillfully-played and expertly-executed KICK ASS death metal it seldom gets any better than a fist-banging/face-crushing beast like this album! So, let's just call it like it is my friends and fellow lovers of all things loud, proud and BRUTAL! Why mince words when you can just swing on past GO and collect your prize in the form of "Sinister Demise"! Right? Exactly! Need a bit more though? OK. Formed in 1995 (which means this three-piece old school death metal band has lasted longer than my ill-fated marriage did!), Into Darkness is lead by Sebastard (Sebastian Längerer) who is not only the group's front-man and guitarist, but (from the looks of it) the sole original member left since first coming together all those years here. Despite numerous line-up changes and a scene that has had more than it's fair share of ups and downs the band Into Darkness has stayed true to their original calling and with bassist Andreas Lego (ex-Deathtrap, ex-Agoraphobia) and drummer Robert Witzel (ex-Boiling Blood) currently rounding things out this group seems set to keep the wheels of destruction rolling for a long time to come! Just released last week (!), "Sinister Demise" does feature a few special guests on lead guitar such as Hannes Grossmann, Quinho, and Alexander Siedler but as to who plays what on which particular track I can't be sure. Not that it actually matters. The only thing that really matters is heading here so that you can hear this bad ass recording for yourself! If you're a death metal fanatic then all I have to ask is why are you still reading these words when you should be looking into "Sinister Demise"? Go now! You can thank me later!!!!

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