
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Current Playlist

This past week was anything but easy. There was just so much going on and hardly any of it was possible. While i did knock out a couple of reviews I still owe a shit ton for this week. I really need to get my review of Swords of Steel II done and I am fully aware that I still have a huge stack of promos just sitting on my desk waiting to be heard. Sometimes I wonder just where it is that the day goes as there just never seems to be enough hours in any given one to work on everything that there is to work on. With all of the stress that I put on myself it's no wonder that I'm turning grey in my beard! But anyway, here is my list(s) and as always feel free to share yours1

Listening to:

Jessikill-Metal Knights (Review coming soon...)

Dead Behind The Scenes-White-EP (For review...)


Deathgasm (Blu-ray)

The Force Awakens (Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD)

Hardcore Henry (Totally SICK film!)

Condemned (From Netflix)

Dexter (From Netflix)


Swords of Steel II

1 comment:

  1. Listening to-
    Iron Maiden-Fear of the dark
    Dio- Dream Evil
    Hanoi Rocks-Street Poetry
    Axtion- Look out for the night
    Redrum-Power corrupts

    Star Wars-The force awakens
    Batman 1966 season three
