
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

DSease-Rotten Dreams

Sneakout Records

DSease is a young and promising heavy metal/rock band from Rimini, Italy that features skilled-guitarist Fabio Balducci (Synful Ira, ex-Ancient Bards) within it's ranks. Released back in mid-November of 2017, "Rotten Dreams" is the first studio album from this (multi) genre-splicing outfit that is lead by vocalist/bassist Alberto Niccoli. Now in it's third year together, DSease actually began life as a Rammstein tribute band, but has developed into something truly special. Dark, ambient, and cleverly-experimental, the eight-song "Rotten Dreams" is a great start for this up-and-coming metal band that is sure to catch on with both fans and critics! Blessed with an unreal amount of talent and creativity, "Rotten Dreams" is the end result of an inspiring band that combines elements of alternative rock, grunge, electronic rock, hard rock, post-rock, and modern metal. Although they have since departed the band, musicians Massimiliano Pretolesi (synths) and Gabriele Lasi (drums) helped create this enjoyable album that comes highly-recommended. You can find "Rotten Dreams" on sites like iTunes, Amazon, and cdbaby.

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