
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Heavy Metal Jukebox

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It's time for the heavy metal jukebox. I list three songs and you say which one you prefer and you can list why if you want to. It's a place theme this week. So here are the choices.

Kiss-Detroit Rock City
Van Halen-Panama
WASP-Blind in Texas

So which one do you choose?


  1. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Detroit Rock City.

  2. Anonymous6:21 AM

    WOW! This is a tough one for me because I love all three bands and all three songs listed!

    I'd first have to eliminate Detroit Rock City. It's a great song, too overplayed though.

    Blind in Texas is a good rockin' song. I wish I had a ring tone that was Chris Holmes saying, "Hey, Dude! Let's party!"

    Although 1984 was the end of Van Halen as we know it, I have to go with Panama. Great song. Gets me pumped up and excited whenever I hear it. DLR kicks ass!

  3. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I hear D.R.C. about 50 times a week here on radio; not that big of a W.A.S.P. fan, either.

  4. Anonymous8:14 AM

    It's a hard decision, but I'm going with Panama.

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Detroit Rock City. It's just eternal. I've never once gotten tired of hearing it.

  6. Panama because I still love that riff.

  7. Detroit Rock City for me. I don't listen to the radio, because I don't want to be bombarded by the same songs over and over.

    I don't know the WASP song and though Panama is great. I have to go with D.R.C. Kiss openned the doors to rock for me.

  8. Panama. Gene Simmons makes me so sick that I have a hard time listening to Kiss most of the time. Blind in Texas is a good song, but I'm not a huge WASP fan and I'd have to be in the mood for 80s metal to listen. But Van Halen (with Roth) always sounds good.

  9. Detroit Rock City
    Blind in Texas

    Panama was probably the best tune on 1984 in my opinion. But it still left quite a bit to be desired from the usual Van Halen.

  10. i like wasp, but that song is not one of my favourites. i'd still go with it, though.

  11. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Detroit Rock City

    KISS is my favorite band so it's a no-brainer.

  12. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Wow...thats a toughy, I like my Kiss and MY DLR Van Halen. I guess I will have to flip a coin and go with Panama!

  13. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Well, fortunately I don't care for KISS, so I only have to decide between Panama and Blind In Texas. Well, by and large I'd go with WASP because I love their shock-sleaze vibe, but come on - that's Diamond Dave-era Van Halen! In their swan song, admittedly, but Panama's also a silly fun song every time I hear it, while Blind In Texas is far from my favourite WASP song, so - Panama it is!

  14. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Detroit Rock City!

  15. I plan on doing these the first and fourth week of every month so there will be another one coming up in a week or so.

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Didn't even have to think about his one.

    I would love to walk into a bar and find Detroit Rock City on the JB.

  17. All are great, but I want "Blind in Texas."
