
Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's coming up?

This coming week I hope to have the following out:

-Judge the album cover (on Sunday)
-Something about when I started college (it will be metal related)
-Montrose review
-Ace Frehley-Frehley's Comet 20 year old album review

-One other topic

I will probably be taking Monday as my off day from now on except maybe during theme weeks.

***Was there ever an album or cd that you had a chance to buy, but didn't and now you regret not buying it?


  1. Anonymous12:01 AM

    That happens all the time. I'd see a CD in a shop and figure it would be there the next week and it would be gone. Or it would be there for months and I would never get it and then wonder why I didn't buy it when it finally sold.

    UFO - Misdemeanor
    UFO - Making Contact

    Both were Japanese imports for $20 in 1999/2000 and I passed for a couple of years. Then the shop closed for good and those are the 2 holes in my collection. They go for big $$$ on Ebay.

    The Cybernauts CDs (Def Lep doing covers) were also around $25 for Japanese imports and now they command high dollars.

    Had my hands on an original Angel Witch - Frontal Assault (Killerwatt Records) for $15 7 years ago, now it goes for $250+ in collector's circles.

  2. For me, it's the album you just reviewed!

    -- david

  3. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I never really had that issue, but I hate losing CD's more than anything. Especially when they inexplicitly disappear.

  4. It's been awhile since I've had that kind of pain. It's more a case now of hunting down albums that are out there, but hard to find. I tracked down Wendy O's Maggots record that I always loved and am waiting for it come in, but from our talk today at your house, I think I might've wanted to have bitten the bullet and picked up those Forbidden CDs. I really dug them back in the day.

  5. Like four years ago I bought Kick Axe' Welcome to the club for $10. I could have bought that band's album Vices for the same price from the same seller, but put it off. Not too long after that it went out of print and it goes for a much higher price now.

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I'm with Captain Corky on this one...

  7. Anonymous10:10 AM

    There are a few that I wish I would have picked up at the time.

    The Snakes featuring Jorn Lande with ex Whitesnake members. This one pulls down top dollar on Ebay, usually at least $60.00.

    The Oni Logan / Rowan Robertson release (Violets Demise). This was released as Logan Robertson Revisited. The only copy have been able to find online is at amazon for the grand tune of $129.00. CRAZY!!

    I could have picked both of these up for the cover price. But I can't any longer.

  8. I passed on a Believer album, because I wasn't sure if it was the same band I had read about a few years earlier and then I had to wait about 10 years for re-issues in order to get it.

    I had the chance to pick up Twin Obscenity's Bloodstone album, but I didn't know at the time I would like them, since it was there follow up that I took a chance on. Now it's out of print.

